Pynnotator ========== A Python Annotation Framework for VCF files (Exome or Genome) from Humans using multiple tools and databases. Libraries ========= - htslib (1.3.1) - vcftools (0.1.14) - snpeff (SnpEff 4.3) - vep (version 84) Databases ========= - 1000Genomes (Phase 3) - ALL.wgs.phase3\_shapeit2\_mvncall\_integrated\_v5b.20130502.sites.vcf - dbSNP (including clinvar) - (human\_9606\_b147\_GRCh37p13) - Exome Sequencing Project - ESP6500SI-V2-SSA137.GRCh38-liftover - dbNFSP 3.2a (including dbscSNV 1.1) - - Ensembl 84 (phenotype and clinically associated variants) Features ======== - Multithread Efficient - Annotate a VCF file using multiple VCFs as a reference Requirements ============ - Ubuntu 16.04 (probably also works on 14.04) - Python 3.4+ - At least 40GB Installation ============ :: mkvirtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 pynnotator pip install cython pip install pynnotator pynnotator install Test ==== :: pynnotator test