Mendel,MD ========= An online tool for organizing, annotating, filtering and diagnosing patients with Mendelian Disorders using Exome and Genome sequencing data. Requirements ============ - Python 3.4+ - Perl 5.8+ - Java 1.8 - Ubuntu LTS 16.04 Other Libraries Needed ====================== - `pynnotator `__ OMIM Data ========= You need to register an account at OMIM: and submit a download request to get a file named "morbidmap". After obtaining this file you need to put it inside this folder: "mendelmd\_source/data/omim/". Docker ====== Now it's possible to install and run Mendel,MD with a single command: :: docker-compose up This command will create a container, download all the required tools, datasets and run the webserver. This should take a few hours to complete for the first time. Manual Installation =================== Installing PostgreSQL Database ============================== :: sudo apt-get install libpq-dev postgresql sudo -i -u postgres createuser --interactive exit createdb mendelmd cp mendelmd/ mendelmd/ Installation on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (tested) ========================================= :: sudo apt-get install gcc git python3-dev virtualenvwrapper zip zlibc zlib1g zlib1g-dev build-essential \ libssl-dev libffi-dev python-dev python3-dev python3-venv libcurl4-openssl-dev python3 -m venv mendelmdenv source mendelmdenv/bin/activate git clone cd mendelmd/mendelmd_source Installing Pynnotator ===================== :: pip install wheel pip install pynnotator pynnotator install This will take a long time since it will download around 32GB of data. Go grab a coffee and read a paper. Installing Mendel,MD ==================== :: pip install -r requirements.txt python migrate wget -O data/omim/morbidmap.txt python populate #create yourself a super user python createsuperuser python runserver And now you should have Mendel,MD running on address Start the annotation ==================== In another tab start the annotation process. :: source mendelmdenv/bin/activate celery -A mendelmd worker -l info -c 1 Creating a superuser ==================== :: python createsuperuser Importing Genes and Diseases Data ================================= :: python populate Upload your VCFs using the web interface ======================================== At the dashboard click on the "Upload VCF" button. Deployment on RedHat/CentOS 7 =============================== :: sudo yum -y install wget wget -O /tmp/morbidmap.txt wget bash